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Showing posts from April, 2013

php super global variables examples | super global variables in php example

Super global variables are special type variables in php. We can access them from any place with in the application. $_GET :-The $_GET is a super global variable. By using this super global variable we can get the posted values of GET method. $_GET super global variable by default, is the only way that we can access variables passed via GET method. $_POST :-The $_POST is a super global variable. By using this super global variable we can get the posted values of POST method. When ever we can submit the form get are post method to get the form values $_REQUEST. $_SESSION :   $_SESSION is a super global variable. By using this super global variable we can create a SESSION and we read the SESSION .SESSION are used to maintain the state of the application. $_COOKIE : $_COOKIE is a super global variable. By using this is super global variable stores information passed into the script through HTTP cookies. $_ENV : $_ENV is a super global variable. By usi...

wordpress interview questions and answers for 2 years experience

word press interview questions and answers for 2 years experience What is the Difference Between Posts vs. Pages Posts vs. Pages * Posts are timely vs. Pages are timeless. * Posts are social vs. Pages are NOT. * Posts can be categorized vs. Pages are hierarchical. * Posts are included in RSS feed vs. Pages are not. * Pages have custom template feature vs. Posts do not.   how to store the post title in variable?   $page_title = get_the_title($post->post_parent); How to Generates a random password of the specified length in WordPress? <?php generate_random_password($len) ?> How to hide the Admin Bar in WordPress? add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false'); 1. How to get the postid in wordpress? we can get the postid global $wp_query; $postid = $wp_query->post->ID; echo $postid; 2. How to get the post meta value in worpdress? we can get the post meta value throw postid. for example here post Custom Field...

php mysql explain with examples

PHP MYSQL Php is a server side scripting language. By using php we can interact with the different databases. Php support cross database. Database server is a collection of databases. Each database contains the database objects(tables, stored procedure, etc) By using php we can interact with the mysql database. Mysql is an open source relational database management system implemented by mysql Ab Corporation. This is adapted by sun Microsystems. We can interact with the mysql database using commend prompt, phpmyadmin, php application. To work with commend prompt execute mysql database. Exact file what it is available in xampp/mysql/bin folder   Xampp/mysql/bin > mysql   -u root p Mysql > create a database dbname; Query ok

What the difference is between include and require in php with example

 What the difference is between include and require in php with example Include: By using this concept we can embed the external page current application.   We have difference function to embed the external page or file. Defection : it includes the external page number of times. If the external page is not available it returns a warring massage and   executed the rest of the statements once we include the external file we can call the variable, function, class and executable statements of external file from current application. Include_once : It is same as include but we can embed the external file only one time. Require It is same as include used to embed the external file multiple times. But returns error message if the external file is not available and stops the execution of rest of the statement. Require_once It is same as require. But only one time we can embed the external file.