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Showing posts from September, 2013

how to insert the values in wordpress database.?

insert query to use store the values in wordpress database.  global $wpdb;  $wpdb->insert($table_name,array('author_id' =>$author_id,'author_name' =>$author_name,'author_email'=>$author_email,'created_at'=>current_time('mysql', 1)),array('%d','%s','%s','%s'));

how to write the short code in wordpress php file

using do_shortcode function inside of php echo tag a very simple solution is to use the do_shortcode function inside a PHP echo tag. for example <?php do_shortcode("[shortcode]"); ?> short code is used in wordpress post or page and text box widget and php file. this 

joomla interview questions and answers 1year experience

What is the file, where database setting are stored in Joomla cms? answer: configuration.php in the root directory. What is the prefix of Joomla tables by default? Ans: jos_ How many tables a default joomla will have? Ans: 65 tables How to show module positions in Joomla? Ans: if there are no parameters, append "?tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example,      if there are already parameters in the URL, append "&tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example, how to get current user id in Joomla?  Ans: $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $userId = $user->get( 'id' ); echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $userId . '" />'; What are Joomla modules?  How many tables are related with users? 1.  jos_users 2.  jos_core_acl_aro 3.  jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map How many files are required