- The Java Platform?
- what is Unicode?
- what is Byte code?
- who developed the java?
- when java is invented?
- what is the advantage of java?
- what is oops concept in java ??
- what is the use of oops?
- why java intermediate language?
- what are the dis advantage of oops?
- how many java language keywords?
- what is the use of keywords?
- why we are using java keywords?
- what are the use of data types?
- how many data types are supported in java?
- how many numeric data types are supported in java?
- java control structures?
- what is break?
- what is continue in java loop?
- java control statements ?
- java Control loops?
- how to declare the variable in java?
- what is array ?
- how to initialize array in java?
- how many types of arrays in java ?
- what is the use of array?
- array index out of bounds exception java?
- how to Accessing Array Element?
- how to manipulation and replacement in array?
- how to calculate the array length in java?
- what is the class and it's syntax?
- what is const/
- what is default?
- what is the object?
- how to create object in java?
- how to create object in java without new operator?
- what is the interface in java?
- what is the method and it's syntax?
- java variables?
- what is class variable/
- what is instance variables?
- what is array component variable ?
- what is method Parameter Variable?
- what is Exception Handler Parameter Variable?
- what is Local Variable?
- what is the static variable in java?
- what is static class in java?
- what is public static in java?
- what is private static in java?
- what is static block in java ?
- what is difference public static and private static ?
- how many types of errors in java?
- what is static constructor ?
- what is static constructor?
- what is the static object in java?
- what is static polymorphism/
- what is method overloading?
- what is method overriding in java?
- what is method prototype in java?
- what is method binding in java/
- call by method in java?
- what are pass by reference and pass by value in java/
- what is the hashmap and map?
- java constructors?
- java destructor ?
- what is final keywords in java?
- what is final method in java/
- what is final class in java?
- what is the supper key word in java?
- what is abstract method in java
- what is assert in java?
- what is void in java?
- what is the difference b/w the implements and extends ?
- what is else?
- inheritance in java?
- how many type inheritance in java?
- what is this in java?
- why java does not support multiple inheritance in java?
- exception handling in java ?
- What happens when an Exception occurs?
- what is arithmetic exception ?
- what is environmental exception in java?
- what is undetectable exception in java?
- Benefits of Exception Handling framework
- Catching exceptions with try-catch
- Catching exceptions with finally
- Throwing exceptions
- Rules in exception handling
- Exception class hierarchy
- Checked exception and unchecked exception
- Creating your own exception class
- what is the palymorphism in java?
- what is the difference b/w interface and abstract class?
- what is the purpose of garbage collection in java when it is used?
- explain different why of using thread/
- d/w hashmap and hash table?
- d/w vector and array list?
- d/w swing and awt?
- difference between constructor and method?
- what is iterator?
- what is public ,static , private , protected ,default,modifiers,
Insert document in collection Two types of insert Insert single records: Insert multiple records Insert single records: syntax: db.collection.insertOne( <document>, { writeConcern: <document> } ) Example 1: db.users.insertOne({"name":"ram","email":"ram@gmail.com"}) Example 2: db.users.insertOne( [{"employee":{"name":"ram","email":"ram@gmail.com"}}] ) Insert multiple records: syntax : db.Collection_name.insertMany( [<document 1>, <document 2>, …], { writeConcern: <document>, ordered: <boolean> }) Example: db.users.insertMany([{"name":"ram","email":"ram@gmail.com"},{"name":"raju","email":"raju@gmail.com"}])