what is a class ?
Ans: a class is a blue print for object . the class defines variables, methods and objects . the object manipulates data through methods . these methods constitutes a set of operations.
class are the fundamental units in an object -oriented programming . we use a class to create object (instances) each instance carries its own data .that is data belongings to one object, it changed does not effect the data belonging to other object.
Simple Structure of class :
class demo {
int count;
public void display()
count ++;
class demo1{
public static void main(String args[])
object :
An object is an instance of a class . An object is known by a name and every object contains a state
the state is determined by the value s of attributes .the state of object can be changed by calling method on it the object is a software entity .that combines a set of data with a set operations to manipulate the data
simple structure of class and object :
class demo{
public static void main (string args[])
demo d1= new demo();
in the above program , d1 is the object of a class demo
with out new key object is created is possible
A method is the basic unit of functionality contained in a class . it contains the executable body that contain the applied to specific object of class .
a method includes;
a name , parameters used to input some values, a return type that give out put of the program, abody of executable code .
simple syntax method;
public double sum(double a, double b)
return (a+b);
why java is internet language ?
java is popular is it support internet programming . internet is used to connect the different systems across the globe . internet is used HTTP. java include two types of programs
one is applications and applets. applets are java programs meant to be executed in the browser .browser is used to connect the internet .
why java is dynamic and extensible
java is dynamic language . at run time it can link standerad libraries ,class, objects , and methods
why java is distributed ?
who developed java ?
java was developed by the team led by gosling at Sun Micro systems
what are the benefits of object -oriented programming ?
polymorphism and inheritance not available in traditional language .
oops is closer to real life representations of the object .
data can be divided in public and private
program development is easy.
what is the features of java /
Ans: a class is a blue print for object . the class defines variables, methods and objects . the object manipulates data through methods . these methods constitutes a set of operations.
class are the fundamental units in an object -oriented programming . we use a class to create object (instances) each instance carries its own data .that is data belongings to one object, it changed does not effect the data belonging to other object.
Simple Structure of class :
class demo {
int count;
public void display()
count ++;
class demo1{
public static void main(String args[])
object :
An object is an instance of a class . An object is known by a name and every object contains a state
the state is determined by the value s of attributes .the state of object can be changed by calling method on it the object is a software entity .that combines a set of data with a set operations to manipulate the data
simple structure of class and object :
class demo{
public static void main (string args[])
demo d1= new demo();
in the above program , d1 is the object of a class demo
with out new key object is created is possible
A method is the basic unit of functionality contained in a class . it contains the executable body that contain the applied to specific object of class .
a method includes;
a name , parameters used to input some values, a return type that give out put of the program, abody of executable code .
simple syntax method;
public double sum(double a, double b)
return (a+b);
why java is internet language ?
java is popular is it support internet programming . internet is used to connect the different systems across the globe . internet is used HTTP. java include two types of programs
one is applications and applets. applets are java programs meant to be executed in the browser .browser is used to connect the internet .
why java is dynamic and extensible
java is dynamic language . at run time it can link standerad libraries ,class, objects , and methods
why java is distributed ?
who developed java ?
java was developed by the team led by gosling at Sun Micro systems
what are the benefits of object -oriented programming ?
polymorphism and inheritance not available in traditional language .
oops is closer to real life representations of the object .
data can be divided in public and private
program development is easy.
what is the features of java /