function is a set of executable statement function we are using for re usability .they are mainly divided into 2types
1. Free defined function
2. user defined function
Free Defined Function :-
They are built in function available in the language
User Defined Functions :-
if any function is defined by the programmer at a time of project development comes under user defined functions
<script type ="text/java script" language="java script">
function fun1()
var x=100;
var y=200;
var z=300;
alert (Z)
} </script>
<input type ="button" value="click"onclick ="fun1()">
we can also pass some values into the function this concept is called as Function with arguments
<script type="text/javascript">
function fun1(x,y){
var z= x+y
<input type="button" value="click" onclick="fun1(10,20)">
every function is return some value using the return key word this concept called function with return type
function fun1()
rval= fun2();
function fun2()
return z;
<input type="button" value="click" onclick="fun1()">
variables :-
a variable with the name of the memory location used to store some values
Types of Variables :-
Local Variables
Global Variables
a function contains any variables with out var comes under Global variable
var Sno =1001;//global
function fun1()
var x=100//local variable
var y=200// local variable
z=300;//global variable
fun 2()
function fun2()
<input type ="button" value="click" onkclick="fun1()>
java script window is an object providing number of properties and methods this properties we can call directory or we can call using window object
by using this method we can display the message box in the web page
used to display the input dialog box
rval=window .prompt ("enter players name " );
alert ("rval ");
display the print properties dialog box
set interval:-this function is use to run a set of statement for every regular interval of time , contain the arguments name of the functions and interval in milliseconds
x=set interval ("fun1()",2000)
function fun1()
function funstop(){
clear interval(x);
<input type="button" value="open" onclick="fun1()">
<input type="button" value="stop" onclick="funstop()">
set timeout;- this function call set of statements(anther function ) ofter certain time value
set timeout("fun1()",6000);
function fun1()
to close the open window
function fun1()
window .close();
<input type="button" value="click" onclick ="fun1()">.
Date function in java script :-
in java script date is an object return the current date & time information of client system . it is providing number of methods get (H,M,S)
get date
get month
get hours
get minutes
get seconds
get year
1. Free defined function
2. user defined function
Free Defined Function :-
They are built in function available in the language
example :-
alert, promptUser Defined Functions :-
if any function is defined by the programmer at a time of project development comes under user defined functions
<script type ="text/java script" language="java script">
function fun1()
var x=100;
var y=200;
var z=300;
alert (Z)
} </script>
<input type ="button" value="click"onclick ="fun1()">
we can also pass some values into the function this concept is called as Function with arguments
<script type="text/javascript">
function fun1(x,y){
var z= x+y
<input type="button" value="click" onclick="fun1(10,20)">
every function is return some value using the return key word this concept called function with return type
<script type="text/javascript">function fun1()
rval= fun2();
function fun2()
return z;
<input type="button" value="click" onclick="fun1()">
variables :-
a variable with the name of the memory location used to store some values
Types of Variables :-
Local Variables
Global Variables
local variables :-
a variable declarations with in the function is called as local variable . we can not access the localhost variable of function from another functionsNote:-
a function contains any variables with out var comes under Global variable
var Sno =1001;//global
function fun1()
var x=100//local variable
var y=200// local variable
z=300;//global variable
fun 2()
function fun2()
<input type ="button" value="click" onkclick="fun1()>
Declaration location in java script:-
java script we can declare different location with in the header tag , body tag and we can embed with html elements and url address bar window:-
java script window is an object providing number of properties and methods this properties we can call directory or we can call using window object
by using this method we can display the message box in the web page
used to display the input dialog box
rval=window .prompt ("enter players name " );
alert ("rval ");
display the print properties dialog box
it is display the conformation dialog box .it returns a Boolean values true if we click on the ok button otherwise it return false
rval =confirm ("you want to print");
if (rval)
localtion:- it this properties is use to open an external page in the current window
function fun1()
</script> :- open in external webpage in now window.
clear interval :-
by using this method we can stop the functionality of set interval <script>
x=set interval ("fun1()",2000)
function fun1()
function funstop(){
clear interval(x);
<input type="button" value="open" onclick="fun1()">
<input type="button" value="stop" onclick="funstop()">
set timeout;- this function call set of statements(anther function ) ofter certain time value
set timeout("fun1()",6000);
function fun1()
to close the open window
function fun1()
window .close();
<input type="button" value="click" onclick ="fun1()">.
Date function in java script :-
in java script date is an object return the current date & time information of client system . it is providing number of methods get (H,M,S)
get date
get month
get hours
get minutes
get seconds
get year