match function in java script
it compares two strings and returns the match matching is not available it return the null
str="well come to java script";
alert(str.match ("java script");
this function replace a string with new string
< script>
str="welcome to java script";
alert (str.replace ("java script ","java")
tolower case
converts the all character of the string in to lower case . alert ( lower case())
to upper case
converts the all lower to upper character
it compares two strings and returns the match matching is not available it return the null
str="well come to java script";
alert(str.match ("java script");
this function replace a string with new string
< script>
str="welcome to java script";
alert (str.replace ("java script ","java")
tolower case
converts the all character of the string in to lower case . alert ( lower case())
to upper case
converts the all lower to upper character