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Showing posts from May, 2012

Variables in java

Variables: There can be three types of variables in java.       1. Instance Variables : These are Non-Static Fields. Individual states of objects are stored in Instance variables. These         are declared without the static keyword. For number of objects created from a class all objects use same copy of instance         variable.      Example: import*; class Student{    // this instance variable is visible for any child class.    public String name;      // percentage variable is visible in Student class only.    private double percentage;      // The name variable is assigned in the constructor.    public Student (String StudName){       name = StudName;    }    // The percentage variable is assigned a value.    public void setPe...

Introduction in java

1. Introduction         JAVA is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Java was originally called OAK, and was designed for handheld devices and set-top boxes. Some features of java:              1. Simple: Some of the features that make java a simple language are no direct use of pointers, strong  memory management, automatic memory allocation and deallocation.              2. Portable: Java language is portable as programs written in java can be run on any system having interpreter for JVM. Also, java has standard size irrespective of operating system or processor.             3. Robust: Features that make java robust include powerful exception handling, type checking mechanism, strong memory allocation and automatic garbage collection mechanism. 4...

model -1 architecture

        delegates the  request to right business apps   performs required persistence operation  (curd operation )  collects response content form the corresponding business apps    the above architecture describe us to design  single jsp page responsible for accepting client request ,forwarding it to the right business app collecting response content  form the corresponding business app preparing and desplaying the presentaion on the browser  the  above architecture is simple but the problem is presentation logic and controlling logic  combining  implemented inside  one single page  i.e, we don't have any proper separation in b/w   controlling logic and presentation logic  to remove the above  described  problem  sum introduced one more architecture with a name model-2   

what is mvc

 mvc is one architecture  pattern describes as to devide our system in to 3 parts   model : responsible for business logic  view :  responsible for presentation logic controller : responsible for controlling logic                  what is  controlling logic ? controlling logic is nothing but controlling request &response flow i.e, Accepting the  client request , delegating the request to model, collecting the response from model ,making available the response content to view and dispatching the control to view . why to follow MVC?         for the purpose of " loose -coupling and parallel development"   in java also we are having  some recommended architectures  using which we can make our apps design as simple possible model -1 architectures   

What is a Fraework ?

 Frame work is one reusable semi-finished app witch provides some  common services  to our app and  that can be customized according to our requirement  

what is struts?

  struts is one web MVC based  framework  from " Apache s/w foundation "   using which we can design industry oriented mvc based web apps    


struts introduction MVC Architecture  model -1 &model -2 architecture  introduction some design patterns  front controller & application controller etc  struts Architecture   struts Frame work flow   developing basic struts apps   working with form beans  applying serverside validations to our form bean apps  validation frame work   internationalization  declarating exception handling  working with struts custom pluging   built -in action   forward action  include action  dis patch action  lookup dispatchaction  mapping  dispatch action  switch action  local action  connection pooling  tiles frame work  struts hibernate  struts + ejb3 +JPA  struts +spring   file uploading   pagination    deploying  struts  apps into  various enterprize apps   developing struts apps us...

optgroup in html

 by using this element we can group the options label is an attribute to provide the  group lable <select size ="3" >  < optgroup lable ="php"> <option> sharanam shah </option> <option> apress </option> <option> bible </option>  </optgroup>  < optgroup lable ="asp"> <option> sharanam shah </option> <option> apress </option> <option> bible </option>  </optgroup> <