- struts introduction
- MVC Architecture
- model -1 &model -2 architecture
- introduction some design patterns front controller & application controller etc
- struts Architecture
- struts Frame work flow
- developing basic struts apps
- working with form beans
- applying serverside validations to our form bean apps
- validation frame work
- internationalization
- declarating exception handling
- working with struts custom pluging
- built -in action
- forward action
- include action
- dis patch action
- lookup dispatchaction
- mapping dispatch action
- switch action
- local action
connection pooling- tiles frame work
- struts hibernate
- struts + ejb3 +JPA
- struts +spring
- file uploading
- pagination
- deploying struts apps into various enterprize apps
- developing struts apps using my Eclipse & ides
- struts 2
Insert document in collection Two types of insert Insert single records: Insert multiple records Insert single records: syntax: db.collection.insertOne( <document>, { writeConcern: <document> } ) Example 1: db.users.insertOne({"name":"ram","email":"ram@gmail.com"}) Example 2: db.users.insertOne( [{"employee":{"name":"ram","email":"ram@gmail.com"}}] ) Insert multiple records: syntax : db.Collection_name.insertMany( [<document 1>, <document 2>, …], { writeConcern: <document>, ordered: <boolean> }) Example: db.users.insertMany([{"name":"ram","email":"ram@gmail.com"},{"name":"raju","email":"raju@gmail.com"}])