configuration directives to work with session.
1. session.auto_start:-
by using this directives we can initialize the session. when the request is started. the default value is 0. by changing the value as 1 we can initialize the session.
2. session.save_handler -
handles used to store the retrieve the session the default value is files.
3. session.save_path:-
provide the path where you want to save the session.
4. session.use_cookies
weather to use cookie or not to store the session.
1. session.auto_start:-
by using this directives we can initialize the session. when the request is started. the default value is 0. by changing the value as 1 we can initialize the session.
2. session.save_handler -
handles used to store the retrieve the session the default value is files.
3. session.save_path:-
provide the path where you want to save the session.
4. session.use_cookies
weather to use cookie or not to store the session.