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Showing posts from September, 2013

how to insert the values in wordpress database.?

insert query to use store the values in wordpress database.  global $wpdb;  $wpdb->insert($table_name,array('author_id' =>$author_id,'author_name' =>$author_name,'author_email'=>$author_email,'created_at'=>current_time('mysql', 1)),array('%d','%s','%s','%s'));

joomla interview questions and answers 1year experience

What is the file, where database setting are stored in Joomla cms? answer: configuration.php in the root directory. What is the prefix of Joomla tables by default? Ans: jos_ How many tables a default joomla will have? Ans: 65 tables How to show module positions in Joomla? Ans: if there are no parameters, append "?tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example,      if there are already parameters in the URL, append "&tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example, how to get current user id in Joomla?  Ans: $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $userId = $user->get( 'id' ); echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $userId . '" />'; What are Joomla modules?  How many tables are related with users? 1.  jos_users 2.  jos_core_acl_aro 3.  jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map How many files are required...