What is the file, where database setting are stored in Joomla cms?
answer: configuration.php in the root directory.
What is the prefix of Joomla tables by default?
Ans: jos_
How many tables a default joomla will have?
Ans: 65 tables
How to show module positions in Joomla?
Ans: if there are no parameters, append "?tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example, http://domain.com/index.php?tp=1
if there are already parameters in the URL, append "&tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example, http://domain.com/index.php?id=17&tp=1.
how to get current user id in Joomla?
Ans: $user =& JFactory::getUser();
$userId = $user->get( 'id' );
echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $userId . '" />';
What are Joomla modules?
How many tables are related with users?
1. jos_users
2. jos_core_acl_aro
3. jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map
How many files are required to built module in joomla?
How to make module in joomla?
Extra files are added depends on your need.
make a zip file for all above files.
How many files are required to built a component in joomla?
These are the compulsory files to built a component :
-admin side
1. component_name.xml
2. install.component_name.php
3. uninstall.component_name.php
4. toolbar.component_name.php
5. uninstall.component_name.html.php
6. admin.component_name.php
7. admin.component_name.html.php
8. component_name.class.php ( if you need)
How to make component in joomla?
Admin side
1. component_name.xml
2. install.component_name.php
3. uninstall.component_name.php
4. toolbar.component_name.php
5. uninstall.component_name.html.php
6. admin.component_name.php
7. admin.component_name.html.php
8. component_name.class.php ( if you need)
Make a zip file for all.
joomla floder structer?
Ans: Joomla front side folder structure
-installation (after instatlling remove this)
-configuration.php (This is created during installation)
Joomla default Administator folder and file structure
how to reset the password in joomla administrator?
answer:throw database to reset the password.
in joomla database table adminnistrator details store in 'cr0tq_user' table.
in this table password is store in md5 format.
to replace the password this
answer: configuration.php in the root directory.
What is the prefix of Joomla tables by default?
Ans: jos_
How many tables a default joomla will have?
Ans: 65 tables
How to show module positions in Joomla?
Ans: if there are no parameters, append "?tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example, http://domain.com/index.php?tp=1
if there are already parameters in the URL, append "&tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example, http://domain.com/index.php?id=17&tp=1.
how to get current user id in Joomla?
Ans: $user =& JFactory::getUser();
$userId = $user->get( 'id' );
echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $userId . '" />';
What are Joomla modules?
How many tables are related with users?
1. jos_users
2. jos_core_acl_aro
3. jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map
How many files are required to built module in joomla?
How to make module in joomla?
Extra files are added depends on your need.
make a zip file for all above files.
How many files are required to built a component in joomla?
These are the compulsory files to built a component :
-admin side
1. component_name.xml
2. install.component_name.php
3. uninstall.component_name.php
4. toolbar.component_name.php
5. uninstall.component_name.html.php
6. admin.component_name.php
7. admin.component_name.html.php
8. component_name.class.php ( if you need)
How to make component in joomla?
Admin side
1. component_name.xml
2. install.component_name.php
3. uninstall.component_name.php
4. toolbar.component_name.php
5. uninstall.component_name.html.php
6. admin.component_name.php
7. admin.component_name.html.php
8. component_name.class.php ( if you need)
Make a zip file for all.
joomla floder structer?
Ans: Joomla front side folder structure
-installation (after instatlling remove this)
-configuration.php (This is created during installation)
Joomla default Administator folder and file structure
how to reset the password in joomla administrator?
answer:throw database to reset the password.
in joomla database table adminnistrator details store in 'cr0tq_user' table.
in this table password is store in md5 format.
to replace the password this